How To Create Successful New Year's Resolutions

Every year, people all over the world set New Year's resolutions to accomplish certain goals, improve their health and live more meaningful lives. While many succeed in sticking to their resolutions, several others fail. According to a recent study, only 75% are successful in keeping their resolutions for more than one week, dropping to 46% after 6 months, and out of which only 8% genuinely succeed in achieving their goals. 

Despite our best intentions, sticking to new resolutions is easier said than done. Most people attribute their inability to keep resolutions to a lack of time, money or motivation. In fact, we are so conscious of how difficult it is to maintain resolutions and make new habits that we have designated two whole days to our failures: Ditch Your Resolution Day on January 17 and Fall off the Wagon Day on February 4.

Personal growth is really important in one’s life. As this year draws to a close, many of us are reflecting on what we have accomplished, determining whether to feel good or bad about it and attempting to formulate a strong set of resolutions for the following year. In this blog, we will provide you with a guide on how to set and follow through on your personal and professional goals.

5 Ways To Make Your New Year’s Resolutions Stick

Although New Year's resolutions can take many different forms, they generally centre on making a positive change in your life. Here are a few tips to help you stick to your resolutions and maximize your chances of not giving up.

  1. Set SMART Goals Instead of Resolutions. Setting goals allows you to have long-term vision and short-term motivation. To ensure your goals are specific and doable, each one should be:


    • What needs to be accomplished? What steps need to be taken to achieve it?

    • Include details of what you want to accomplish.


    • How will I measure the goal?

    • You should be able to measure your progress and accurately determine whether you've accomplished your goal.


    • Is the goal doable? Do I have the necessary skills and resources to accomplish the goal?

    • Your goals should challenge you. They should not be too easy or too hard.


    • Why are you setting the goal that you’re setting? How will this help you?

    • You should be able to reach your goal if you put in the time and effort and have the necessary resources.

    Time Bound

    • What is the time frame for accomplishing the goal?

    • Your goal should be useful to you at this time in your life and can be met in the time allotted.

  2. Start Small and Build Your Way Up: Although you may be inspired and enthusiastic about reaching your target, avoid letting your ambition push you to impossibly high standards. For example, if you want to start going to the gym, start slowly and be consistent so that your body gets acclimated to it. You could aim for 20 minutes of movement a day versus committing to hours of exercise. 

  3. Stay Positive: Making changes in your life might be challenging, but dwelling on the drawbacks will only make you feel defeated. Acknowledge that there will inevitably be difficult days but at the same time, remember that each day presents a fresh chance to improve your life for the better.

  4. Reward Yourself: At the beginning of the year, it may be easier to maintain motivation. But as time passes, you might face moments where you lose motivation. It might be challenging to remember why you care about accomplishing that goal. Setting up a system of rewards and reminders  can help you stay motivated in these circumstances. This does not imply that you should  indulge in an entire box of chocolates if your goal is to improve your diet. Instead, reward yourself with something you enjoy that does not conflict with your resolution as a way to recognise your accomplishment. Read our blog on ‘The Science of Making and Breaking Habits’ to learn more about how rewards can be beneficial in habit formation. 

  5. Talk About It: Research has shown that having a social support network is essential for increasing the likelihood that your goal will be successful. Share your resolution with your friends and family so they can support you through your journey and motivate you when you need it the most.

Realistic Realistic Resolutions To Improve Mental Health:

Here are a few low-stress and simple resolutions that can help boost your mental wellness for a happier New Year:

  1. Make a Conscious Effort To Practise Self-care: Self-care is a great way to improve your mental health and overall wellbeing. Start by setting aside time each day to do something that makes you feel relaxed and happy, such as reading a book, listening to music, or going for a walk.

  2. Prioritize Getting Enough Sleep: Getting enough sleep is essential for proper mental and physical health. Try to get at least 7-8 hours of sleep each night and establish a consistent sleep schedule.

  3. Spend Time With Loved Ones: – Spending quality time with family and friends can help reduce stress and boost your mood. Make time for the people you care about and for activities that bring you joy.

  4. Follow a Healthy Diet:  Eating nutritious, balanced meals can help improve your physical and mental health. Focus on eating plenty of fruits and vegetables, whole grains and lean proteins.

  5. Stay Connected To Nature: Spending time in nature can help reduce stress and promote a sense of well-being. Try to get outside for a few minutes each day and explore the world around you.

  6. Make Time For Activities That Bring You Joy: It’s important to dedicate time to activities that make you feel happy and fulfilled. Whether it’s playing an instrument, painting or writing, find something that brings you joy and make time for it.

  7. Practice Mindfulness: Mindfulness is a great tool for reducing stress and improving your mental health. Take a few minutes each day to sit quietly and focus on your breathing.

  8. Seek Professional Mental Health Support:  If needed, seek out the help of a mental health professional. A therapist can help you work through any mental health issues you may be facing and can provide valuable guidance and support.


Making a new year’s resolution can be a great way to set yourself up for success in the upcoming year. Start by reflecting on the previous year; What worked well and what could have gone better? 

Taking the time to review and reflect can help you to identify any areas of improvement and make more concrete, achievable resolutions. Be realistic when setting goals and try to make them measurable. Write down your resolution and set a timeline for achieving them. Make sure to celebrate your wins along the way. It's a great way to stay motivated and track your progress. Finally, it's important to remember to be kind to yourself and give yourself grace if you do slip up. 

If you're feeling overwhelmed or stressed, make sure to reach out to us for help and support. Here's to a healthy and happy year!


The Science of Making and Breaking Habits


Finding the Right Therapist